100% Satisfaction & Money Back Guarantees


Thank you very much for traveling with Smile Travel Co., Ltd. we are confident and proud of our products & services as a Destination Expert and always working hard for “Best Deals, Expert Advice”, we will, however, refund your money if;

  • The quality of the trip is not what we said to deliver,
  • The experience is not as what our travel consultants promised it to be.

(The refund amounts only do on the part of service clients don’t use or use but not satisfy as mentioned above)

If you feel we are not delivering on our promises, we will continue to work with you until you are completely satisfied. If we cannot rectify any issues, we offer a 100% money-back guarantee.

We guarantee that you will have a great trip with not only quality but with assured fun. if you are still not satisfied with our refund, please contact our the government body called VNAT (Vietnam National Administration of Tourism) for a claim.

We have a bond of 21,500 USD in the bank (controlled by VNAT), this is the bond account for financial security with respect to customers’ advanced payments.